Category: Uncategorized

Les pensées épeurantes du post-partum (2e partie): stratégies qui peuvent aider

November 11, 2020
Dans mon premier article sur les pensées effrayantes dans la période post-partum, je vous ai expliqué ce qu’elles sont, d’où elles viennent et que faire si vous en faites l’expérience...

Les pensées épeurantes du post-partum

November 11, 2020
Je suis presque convaincue qu’en tant que parent vous avez déjà eu des pensées épeurantes au sujet de votre bébé.  Vous savez, des pensées que vous jugez être troublantes et...

Est-ce le baby blues ou une condition plus sérieuse?

November 11, 2020
Savez-vous que la plupart des mamans, près de 80%, expérimentent le baby blues après la naissance de leur bébé?  Puisque la maternité est une transition majeure dans la vie d’une...

Behind my smile as a new mom

October 29, 2020
Would you be surprised or astonished if I told you that a few months after the birth of my first baby I did not feel any attachment toward him anymore?...

Interview with Dani Giddens

October 20, 2020
On World Mental Health Day, I had the privilege to interview Dani Giddens. She is married to her college sweetheart and they have three kids. She is a survivor of...

Postpartum Scary Thoughts (part 2): Strategies that can help

September 29, 2020
In my first article and video about scary thoughts in the postpartum period, I explained what they are, where they come from and what to do if you experience them...

Interview with Teresa Wong

February 7, 2020
This is my interview with Teresa Wong, the author of the graphic memoir “Dear Scarlet: the Story of my Postpartum Depression” which was published last year. Teresa is a writer...

Is it the Baby Blues or something more serious?

January 16, 2020
Do you know that most birthing people, nearly 80%, experience baby blues after giving birth? Since parenthood is a major transition in a parent’s life and because of a drastic...